
Call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war
Call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

Initial reports indicate that the area has gone hot and fighting has spilled out into the streets, prompting a second CIA-JSOC team to arrive at the scene as reinforcements.ĭeep in the deserts of Angola, Central Africa, a top-secret, American-made reconnaissance satellite known as the KH-9 has been grounded, potentially by Perseus. In the heart of the U.S.S.R, a Spetsnaz squad was sent to a compromised CIA safe house in order to secure the area, capture any remaining CIA operatives, and acquire further intel on NATO’s future plans.

call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

Amid the cover of night amongst vibrant art-deco architecture and neon lights, CIA special forces have been dispatched to eliminate remaining DGI forces and identify clues to Perseus’ whereabouts. Through hired DGI forces, Perseus ambushed and assaulted a prison transport in Miami’s famed South Beach in order to free a trusted ally.

call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

Use tanks to blow up enemy positions or snowmobiles to zip behind the enemy and break their lines. With the backdrop of a frozen Soviet Wilderness, an MI6 Squadron are ready to combat any Spetsnaz forces in order to secure the top-secret intel held on the convoy, as well as any necessary supplies for future operations. Zipline from ship to ship or command gunboats to turn the tide of the fight.Īt a pivotal route to Afghanistan deep in Uzbekistan, NATO forces are mobilized to ambush a large Soviet military convoy comprised of mobile ICBM launchers. The scale of the Cold War could be tipped in favor of whoever salvages it, whether it be the Soviets reclaiming it or the U.S.

call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war

and Soviet forces arrive in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean in search of a prototype nuclear submarine.

Call of duty multiplayer reveal cold war